being heard


Do you ever feel like you aren’t heard? You speak and it’s lost on everyone.

What’s worse is when you normally don’t talk often – then when you finally do speak, the words come out but no one responds. When doesn’t everyone have a voice and deserve to be heard.

You don’t mean to dramatize the situation, You’re not being oppressed. You just know your words aren’t being heard. You’d think that would frustrate you to the point of talking louder, but it dointrovertesn’t. Instead you just stop talking. Why speak when no one will listen.

You can only last so long by not speaking, because the worst thing happens when you stop talking. You are stuck in your head.

Why doesn’t anyone listen to me? I guess I’m not important enough to them to hear me? You feel like you are banging your head against a hypothetical wall. What do I say that makes them not want to hear my thoughts?

After you question yourself, tear yourself and every scenario apart – you’re exhausted. You introvert further to the point that even saying “Hello” is just too much, so you say it quietly and move on. Worst case scenario I’ve been in, your job requires you to be friendly and it feels like you are tearing yourself apart yet again to talk to others. You curl yourself up in your introversion blanket so tight to protect yourself, because you hurt and want to keep others from hurting you more.

“Being heard and understood is one of the greatest desires of the human heart.” -Richard Carlson

Until you realize that you hear yourself – to you, your opinion matters. Then you realize the people who truly value you do actually listen. The ones who don’t – you remove or put distance between them and you. Are they really worth your effort in the end?